Attorney & Frequent Visitor Badges


To establish uniform guidelines for the identification of attorneys and frequent visitors that are authorized to enter the Fort Bend County Justice Center and bypass security screening.

LGC 291.010 authorizes a reasonable fee to beset by the County Commissioners for the issuance of a badge.



  1. Must be a practicing attorney with an office in Fort Bend County, reside in Fort Bend County or a practicing attorney in a one of the contiguous counties:
    1. Austin County
    2. Brazoria County
    3. Harris County
    4. Waller County
    5. Wharton County
  2. Must meet the following requirements:
    1. Have a valid Texas Driver’s License
    2. Eligible to practice law in the State of Texas
    3. Have no outstanding warrants or pending criminal charges
    4. No convictions on the following types of offenses
      • Drugs
      • Assault
      • Weapons
    5. No felony convictions less than 10 years prior to application date.

Frequent Visitors

  1. Must be at least 18 years of age or older and have an occupation that requires     them to conduct court business in the Justice Center
  2. Must meet the following requirements:
    1. Have a valid Texas Driver’s License
    2. Eligible to practice law in the State of Texas
    3. Have no outstanding warrants or pending criminal charges
    4. No convictions on the following types of offenses
      • Drugs
      • Assault
      • Weapons
    5. No felony convictions less than 10 years prior to application date.
  3. Attorney or Frequent Visitor badges must be displayed to the Justice Center Security Staff to be exempted from the normal courthouse security screening.
    1. By accepting the badge you are acknowledging that you are aware that all firearms or any other type of weapons that are prohibited from being brought into the facility.
    2. The badge will only grant you access to the Justice Center during normal business hours.
    3. The card does not grant access to locked /secured doors.
    4. All badges have an expiration date printed on them and can’t be used to bypass security after that date

Badge Application