County Offices Closed Monday January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. District Courts and Jury service will close on Tuesday, January 21st. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activates Sunday at 8:00 AM for hazardous weather. Stay updated on road conditions and resources, and be careful during icy weather.
Important Notice |
RESCHEDULING COURT DATES DUE TO CORONAVIRUSIn compliance with the Emergency Declaration issued by County Judge KP George and out of a concern for public health, safety and well-being, effective March 13, 2020, all dockets for Associate County Court at Law B. have been cancelled through March 21, 2020. Defendants have until April 13, 2020, to contact the Court to arrange a time to come in and reschedule their cases. Cases may be reset in the following forms: (1) Defendant may appear in person to sign a reset; (2) the attorney and defendant may both appear to sign a reset; or (3) the attorney may provide a signed reset with the defendant’s signature directly to the Court Coordinator. The Court is diligently watching the rapidly evolving situation and may extend the cancellation. Please look to the Court’s website for further details and information. If you have questions please contact Eralyn Fisher, Court Coordinator, at (281) 341-4424.
Honorable Lewis White, Associate Judge
All instruments must be filed through the County Clerk's Office.
Juvenile Detention Hearings are heard at the Legion Drive Annex on Mondays at 1:00 PM, on Wednesdays at 1:00 PM, and on Thursdays at 9:00 AM.
Civil motions are heard on designated Tuesdays at 9:00 AM.
Magistrate Court is heard on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM.
Jail Arraignment Docket is heard at the FBC Jail Courtroom on Wednesdays at 8:30 AM. The deadline for attorneys to schedule an inmate on the docket is, without exception, at 4:00 PM on the Monday preceding Wednesday's docket. Please contact the Court Coordinator to schedule the hearing.
Criminal Pre-Trial Motions Hearings are heard on designated Wednesdays at 1:45 PM and on designated Fridays at 10:30 AM or 1:30 PM.
Applications for Occupational or Restricted Licenses are heard on Fridays at 9:00 AM. Please contact the Court Coordinator to schedule a hearing. The deadline to schedule a hearing is, without exception, at 4:00 PM on the Wednesday preceding Friday's docket.
Criminal cases must be reset in person on your assigned court date. The Court does not reschedule court dates by telephone or fax.
The court does not accept filings. All instruments must be filed through the County Clerk's Office.
To set a hearing on a motion, you may contact the Court Coordinator at Eralyn.Fisher@fortbendcountytx.go
There have been a number of inquiries regarding jail docket in light of Covid-19. Please see responses to Common questions.
Q. Are we still having jail docket?
A. Yes, Jail docket is being conducted Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Q. What is the process for Attorney of the Day (AOD)?
A. If you are appointed as AOD, you will need to contact Lauren Swiedom and Sanah Roopani at the District Attorney’s office. Kevin, handles most of the jail docket pleas. If he is not the one handling the case, he can direct you to the appropriate person in the DA’s office.
It is the AOD’s responsibility to contact Eralyn Fisher at to receive the list of inmates for jail docket. The updated list typically comes out Friday morning. If you are not able to serve as AOD, Please contact the court that has appointed you as soon as possible.
Q. What is the process for Pleas for Jail Docket?
A. If you are able to negotiate a plea you will need to obtain your clients signature, and DA office signature on all necessary paperwork. Once you have the signatures please email Eralyn Fisher and she will add you to the docket for plea.
Pleas will be taken during magistrate docket on Mondays and Wednesdays. If there are any additional concerns or questions, please email Judge White at