Texas Cemetery

Cemeteries are often known by multiple names. The following list includes all the cemetery names that are currently known in Fort Bend County.   They are designated by Main Name and State No., FB-C(XXX), or Alternate Name.

Most cemeteries are not associated with a conventional street address, however we have provided maps and coordinates to their respective locations.

For a map of Fort Bend County showing all the known cemeteries, please visit http://fbcgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/OnePane/basicviewer/index.html?appid=8ba7b396b1404e908956f57e29a4334f.

If you have any specific information or questions regarding these cemeteries, please email Cemeteries@fortbendcountytx.gov.


A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   V   W   Z   

Arcola Community Cemetery

Main Name: Community Cemetery, Arcola | FB-C057

Alternate Names:

Arcola Community Cemetery Sienna Plantation Cemetery

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: Near Scanlan Rd, Arcola

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 28.687 N, 95 29.182 W

Map Coordinates: 29.478117, -95.486367

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is affiliated with a religious organization and has no primary ethnicity. The size of the cemetery is 1.75 acres. The number of known burials is 3 and the date of the earliest burial is 1921.

7 of 339 record(s) found.

Adams Cemetery

Address: Avenue E

Andrews League Cemetery | FB-C027

Address: Huntington Oaks Subdivision

Antioch Community Cemetery | FB-C122

Address: Stockdick Rd

Arcola Community Cemetery

Address: Near Scanlan Rd

Arcola-Fresno Cemetery | FB-C047

Address: Rabb/Burford Road

Armstrong Cemetery

Address: FM 442

Armstrong Family Cemetery | FB-C145

Address: Shenley Road