Jones Memorial Cemetery, Henry & Nancy Stiles | FB-C035

Main Name: Jones Memorial Cemetery, Henry & Nancy Stiles | FB-C035

Alternate Names:

  • George Ranch Cemetery
  • Henry Jones Cemetery
  • Jones Cemetery

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: George Road, Crabb

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 29.871 N, 95 40.917 W

Map Coordinates: 29.497850, -95.681950

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is mixed.  The size of the cemetery is 0.20 acre.

View Jones Memorial Cemetery, Henry & Nancy Stiles - FB-C035 in a larger map



Jones Creek Cemetery | FB-C162

Photo Taken Date: 2013

Jones Creek Cemetery | FB-C162

Main Name: Jones Creek Cemetery | FB-C162

Alternate Names: None

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: Brazos River and Jones Creek, Richmond

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 36.828 N, 95 13.428 W

Map Coordinates: 29.61023, -95.75373

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American. The size of the cemetery is unknown.

Jones Creek Cemetery

Photo Taken Date: 2013

Bains Family Cemetery | FB-C032

Main Name: Jones Creek Cemetery | FB-C162

Alternate Names:

  • None

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: Brazos River and Jones Creek, Richmond

NAD83 Coordinates:29 36.614 N, 95 45.224 W

Map Coordinates: 29.61023,-95.75373

Status and Other Information:

The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American. The size of the cemetery is unknown.

View Powell Family Cemetery | FB-C168 in a larger map



Jones Cemetery, Y.U. | FB-C021

Main Name: Jones Cemetery, Y.U. | FB-C021

Alternate Name: Jones Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Y.U. Jones Rd , Thompsons

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 28.998 N, 95 36.686 W

Map Coordinates: 29.483300, -95.611433

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American.  The size of the cemetery is 0.10 acre.  The number of known burials is 13 and the date of the earliest burial is unknown.

View Jones Cemetery, Y.U. - FB-C021 in a larger map

Jones Cemetery, Willie | FB-C132

Photo Taken Date: 1994

Willie Jones Cemetery | FB-C132

Main Name: Jones Cemetery, Willie | FB-C132

Alternate Names:

  • Richmond-Foster Road Cemetery
  • Croom Cemetery

Access: There is public access to the cemetery.

Location: Near Foolish Pleasure Court, Richmond

NAD83 Coordinates: Latitude: 29 36.716 N, Longitude: 95 46.150 W

Map Coordinates: 29.61193,-95.76917

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is affiliated with a religious organization and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American. The size of the cemetery is 2.9 acres. The number of burials is 64 and the date of the earliest burial is 17 June, 1903.


Jones Cemetery | Alternate FB-C035

Main Name: Jones Memorial Cemetery, Henry & Nancy Stiles | FB-C035

Alternate Names:

  • George Ranch Cemetery
  • Henry Jones Cemetery
  • Jones Cemetery

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: George Road, Crabb

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 29.871 N, 95 40.917 W

Map Coordinates: 29.497850, -95.681950

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is mixed.  The size of the cemetery is 0.20 acre.

View Jones Memorial Cemetery, Henry & Nancy Stiles - FB-C035 in a larger map



Jones Cemetery | Alternate FB-C021

Main Name: Jones Cemetery, Y.U. | FB-C021

Alternate Name: Jones Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Y.U. Jones Rd , Thompsons

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 28.998 N, 95 36.686 W

Map Coordinates: 29.483300, -95.611433

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American.  The size of the cemetery is 0.10 acre.  The number of known burials is 13 and the date of the earliest burial is unknown.

View Jones Cemetery, Y.U. - FB-C021 in a larger map

Johnny Scott Grave | FB-C117

Main Name: Johnny Scott Grave | FB-C117

Alternate Name: Simonton Area Cemetery

Access: There is public access to the cemetery.

Location: FM 1093, Simonton

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 40.900 N, 95 57.736 W

Map Coordinates: 29.681667, -95.962267

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and has no primary ethnicity. The size of the cemetery is 0.14 acre. The number of known burials is 1 and the date of the burial is unknown.

View Johnny Scott Grave | FB-C117 in a larger map

Jenkins Grave, William M. | FB-C066

Main Name: Jenkins Grave, William M. | FB-C066

Alternate Names:

  • Jenkins Grave

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: Clay Rd, Richmond

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 35.811 N, 95 45.575 W

Map Coordinates: 29.596850, -95.759583

View Jenkins Grave, William M. - FB-C066 in a larger map

Jenkins Grave

Main Name: Jenkins Grave, William M. | FB-C066

Alternate Names:

  • Jenkins Grave

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: Clay Rd, Richmond

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 35.811 N, 95 45.575 W

Map Coordinates: 29.596850, -95.759583

View Jenkins Grave, William M. - FB-C066 in a larger map

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