Evangelical Reform Cemetery

Main Name: Immanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery | FB-C008

Alternate Names:

  • E & R Cemetery
  • Evangelical Reform Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: School Road, Needville

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 22.894 N, 95 51.406 W

Map Coordinates: 29.381567, -95.856767

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 3.82 acres. The number of known burials is 219 and the date of the earliest burial is 02/22/1927.

View Immanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery - FB-C008 in a larger map



Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ Cemetery

Main Name: Friedens United Church of Christ Cemetery | FB-C006

Alternate Names:

  • Beasley E & R Cemetery
  • Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ Cemetery
  • Friedens Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Isleib Road, Beasley

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 29.317 N, 95 54.240 W

Map Coordinates: 29.488617, -95.904000

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active. The cemetery is affiliated with a religious organization and has no primary ethnicity. The size of the cemetery is 2.23 acres. The number of known burials is 219 and the date of the earliest burial is 1921.

View Friedens United Church of Christ Cemetery - FB-C006 in a larger map



Emmanuel Cemetery

Main Name: Cesinger-Seiler Cemetery | FB-C011

Alternate Names:

  • Cesinger Cemetery
  • Emmanuel Cemetery
  • German Evangelical Cemetery
  • Prairie Mound Cemetery
  • Seiler Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Roesler Road, Fairchilds

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 24.643 N, 95 46.795 W

Map Coordinates: 29.410717, -95.779917

History: Cesinger-Seiler Cemetery | FB-C011 [PDF]

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active and it has a Historical Marker. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 0.96 acres. The number of known burials is 65 and the date of the earliest burial is 10/16/1894.

View Cesinger-Seiler Cemetery - FB-C011 in a larger map



Emerson Cemetery

Main Name: St. Matthews Baptist Cemetery | FB-C118

Alternate Names:

  • Emerson Cemetery
  • Fort Bend Line Road Cemetery
  • Hunt Cemetery
  • Hunt Road Cemetery

Access: Access to the cemetery is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: Hannibal Road, Simonton

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 43.442 N, 95 58.497 W

Map Coordinates: 29.724033, -95.974950

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is affiliated with a religious organization and has no primary ethnicity. The size of the cemetery is 1.0 acre. The number of known burials is 21 and the date of the earliest burial is 10/14/1912.

View St. Matthews Baptist Cemetery | FB-C118 in a larger map

Edwards Family Cemetery | FB-C056

Main Name: Edwards Family Cemetery | FB-C056

Alternate Names:

  • Edwards Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Oil Field Rd, Thompsons

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 28.884 N, 95 35.128 W

Map Coordinates: 29.481400, -95.585467

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American.  The size of the cemetery is 0.83 acres.  The number of known burials is 32 and the date of the earliest burial is 11/23/1909.

View Edwards Family Cemetery - FB-C056 in a larger map



Edwards Cemetery

Main Name: Edwards Family Cemetery | FB-C056

Alternate Names:

  • Edwards Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Oil Field Rd, Thompsons

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 28.884 N, 95 35.128 W

Map Coordinates: 29.481400, -95.585467

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American.  The size of the cemetery is 0.83 acres.  The number of known burials is 32 and the date of the earliest burial is 11/23/1909.

View Edwards Family Cemetery - FB-C056 in a larger map



East Gethsemane Cemetery

Main Name: Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery | FB-C029

Alternate Names:

  • Davis-Greenlawn Cemetery
  • East Gethsemane Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: 3900 B.F. Terry Blvd, Rosenberg

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 32.177 N, 95 46.713 W

Map Coordinates: 29.536283, -95.778550

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is mixed.  The size of the cemetery is unknown.  The number of known burials is 12030 and the date of the earliest burial is 03/11/1902.

View Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery - FB-C029 in a larger map

E & R Cemetery

Main Name: Immanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery | FB-C008

Alternate Names:

  • E & R Cemetery
  • Evangelical Reform Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: School Road, Needville

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 22.894 N, 95 51.406 W

Map Coordinates: 29.381567, -95.856767

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 3.82 acres. The number of known burials is 219 and the date of the earliest burial is 02/22/1927.

View Immanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery - FB-C008 in a larger map



Dyer-Myers Cemetery | FB-C071

Main Name: Dyer-Myers Cemetery | FB-C071

Alternate Names:

  • Myers Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Fannin Street, Richmond

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 34.659 N, 95 45.427 W

Map Coordinates: 29.577650, -95.757117

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive and it has a Historical Marker The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and has no primary ethnicity. The size of the cemetery is 0.2 acre. The number of known burials is 32 and the date of the earliest burial is 05/09/1919.

View Dyer-Myers Cemetery - FB-C071 in a larger map

Duty Grave | FB-C075

Photo Taken Date: 2012

Duty Grave | FB-C075

Main Name: Duty Grave | FB-C075

Alternate Names:

  • Duty Cemetery

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: Sawmill Rd, Richmond

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 23.807 N, 95 37.523 W

Map Coordinates: 29.396783, -95.625383

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is unknown. The number of known burials is 1 and the date of the earliest burial is 1980.

View Duty Grave - FB-C075 in a larger map

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