[This page will show special projects and special events that may be proposed]
Allowed Content types
Special Projects
[This page will list the proposed documents, and a contact name, phone, email to express interest]
Cultural Resources
[This page will describe the functions of the committee, legal obligations and name, phone and email contact information]
Historical Markers
[This page will contain basic marker information and requirements, contact name, phone and email, along with a list of all county markers with GPS references. Each marker may be developed into separate 'child' pages with photos and narratives in the future.]
Fort Bend County Historical Commission
Third Quarter General Meeting
"Found and Not Forgotten,” the Story of the "Sugar Land 95 and the Texas convict leasing system, will be presented by Chassidy Olainu-Alade, Fort Bend ISD Coordinator for Community and Civic Engagement
Historical Commission Meeting
Regular Meeting of Court
Commissioners Court Online
Commissioners Court Online
Historical Commission Quarterly Meeting
County Holiday | Offices Closed
All Fort Bend County offices are closed. Holiday schedule.
(Law enforcement and emergency services agencies remain on duty)
(Law enforcement and emergency services agencies remain on duty)