Equipment and Procedures Training: Introduction to Election Equipment; set up and use of the JBC, eslates, printers, hot spot and laptop computer; completion of basic paperwork; instructions for compliance with the Texas Photo Identification law; issuance of provisional ballots.
This class is recommended for all new poll workers and those who have had limited experience who wish to take a refresher course. Experienced poll workers are not required to repeat this class.
Students will only be paid once for attending this class. If the class is taken again as a refresher, the student will not receive additional compensation. This course requires three hours for completion. To register for this course, your Election Judge must call or email Maria Rose Gonzalez, Election & Spanish Language Program Coordinator, at (281) 341-8636
Due to the time and space requirements, this class is limited to twelve students. Registration is on a first come first served basis. You must be registered in order to attend this class. Absolutely no walk-ins are allowed. Students arriving late may be turned away. Classes are held in the Fort Bend County Elections Department training room. Rosenberg Annex 4520 Reading Rd., Rosenberg, TX 77471.
Mandatory Procedural Training for Election Judges: Advanced procedural training course required for all Election Judges and Alternate Judges; pick up of equipment and supplies; contacting the polling location; JBC Reconciliation Log; Zero Tally Report; statements of compensation and oaths; bilingual workers and Language Assistance Compliance; posted notices; Cancelled Booth Log; Provisional Ballots; Ballot byMail; Voter Similar Name; Statement of Residence; Tally reports; JBC Reconciliation; eslate reports; seal logs; Combination Forms; Closing the polls and return of equipment. Registration is on a first come first served basis. You must be registered in order to attend this class. Absolutely no walk-ins are allowed. Only Election Judges and Alternate Judges will be registered for this class. Students arriving late may be turned away.
To register for this course, you must call or email Maria Rose Gonzalez, Election & Spanish Language Program Coordinator, at (281) 341-8636 Classes are held in the Fort Bend County meeting room A. Rosenberg Annex 4520 Reading Rd., Rosenberg, TX 77471. Dates and Times for Training Classes.