The Crisis Intervention program is designed to take a proactive approach with juveniles who are on the abyss of falling into the juvenile justice system. The Crisis Intervention Officer receives referrals from parents, schools and law enforcement agencies requesting emergency intervention for juveniles who are “out of control”.
The Crisis Intervention Officer meets with the families, gather’s information concerning the child’s behavior and counsels with the child and family, explaining the laws regarding delinquent youth and detailing possible consequences for any further actions. If appropriate, referral resources are provided to the parents for psychological or substance abuse counseling. Tours of the facility are usually arranged to allow the juvenile to experience what detention is like.
Tours are also provided to interested groups within our community.
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- Crisis Intervention [PDF]
- Crisis Intervention Spanish [PDF]
Jerry Simon, Crisis Intervention Officer
122 Golfview Drive
Richmond, Texas 77469
281-633-7344 FAX
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