County Offices Closed Tuesday, January 21st, 2025: Fort Bend County Offices will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Fort Bend County Courts will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. Jury Duty has been canceled for Tuesday. For more information visit the Homeland Security & Emergency Management website. Stay updated on road conditions and resources, and be careful during icy weather.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Compliance
In 2014, Sheriff Troy E. Nehls designated an office of PREA Compliance for the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office. This office is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring the Sheriff’s Office is compliant with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) [PDF] of 2003 which was instituted by then President George W. Bush. This requirement was established to address the elimination and prevention of sexual assault and harassment in correctional systems. PREA applies to all federal, state, and local prisons, jails, police lock-ups, private facilities, and community settings such as residential facilities.
The Sheriff's Office has established Fort Bend County (PREA) Policies and Procedures [PDF] under Lieutenant Penrod which promotes a safe environment for inmates by reducing sexual abuse and sexual harassment, in accordance with federal standards. All allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment shall be referred for investigation. Allegations involving potentially criminal behavior shall be conducted by the Criminal Investigations Division by investigators who have been properly trained in conducting investigations of sexual abuse in confinement settings.
Annual Report
Each year, the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office will publish an
Annual Report
[PDF] regarding PREA-related incidents along with plans to improve prevention, detection, and investigation activities. Personal identifiers and specific details related to the complaint were redacted in order to protect the confidentiality of the individual as well as the safety and security of the facility.
Audit Report
PREA mandates all adult prisons and jails undergo an audit by a Department of Justice Certified Auditor.
On July 14, 2014, the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office was audited for its compliance with PREA standards. The Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office passed their PREA Audit without any corrective action, making it one of the first County Detention facilities in the State of Texas to achieve compliance. The auditor certified compliance in the 2014 Audit Report [PDF], which assesses the Sheriff’s Office compliance of each standard.
On April 3, 2017, the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office was audited for its compliance with PREA standards. The Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office passed their PREA Audit without any corrective action for the second consecutive time. The auditor certified compliance in the 2017 Audit Report [PDF], which assesses the Sheriff’s Office compliance of each standard.
On August 17, 2020, the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office was audited for its compliance with PREA standards. The Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office passed their PREA Audit without any corrective action for the third consecutive time. The auditor certified compliance in the 2020 Audit Report [PDF], which assesses the Sheriff's Office's compliance of each standard.
On August 12, 2023, the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office was audited for its compliance with PREA standards. The Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office passed their PREA Audit without any corrective action for the fourth consecutive time. The auditor certified compliance in the 2023 Audit Report [PDF], which assesses the Sheriff’s Office compliance of each standard.
Summary of Audit Findings
Number of standards exceeded: 10
Number of standards met: 42
Number of standards not met: 0
Public Reporting
Friends and Family can report allegations of suspected sexual abuse, sexual harassment, or retaliation by calling Sergeant Roberts: 281-341-8505 or