Operation Identification is a citizen’s burglary prevention program for use in homes and businesses. It involves the marking of property with an identifying number as a means of discouraging burglary and theft.

The ID program has two parts:

  1. Mark your valuables with your unique identification number such as VIN number of your vehicle so that your property can be easily traced and identified.
  2. Display a sticker which tells a person or a burglar that your property has been marked.
    Note: By marking your property will make it difficult for burglars to dispose of or re-sale. It can be traced to the rightful owner with relative ease. And, if the burglar is caught with marked property, it is solid evidence of possession of stolen property.

How to participate

  1. Use an electric engraving tool. A typical marking should look like this: Chev1F0125466699GJ11…
  2. The VIN number or a “unique identifier” should be engraved on an area that cannot be easily dismantled.
  3. After marking your property, make a list of your valuables and keep a copy of the list in a safe place. If you should subsequently become a burglar victim, you will be able to quickly describe the stolen property from the list, and this will help the police to recover the stolen items.

List of items that are commonly stolen from homes and businesses:

  • Different form of Identification, Credit and debit cards, and personal important documents
  • Television
  • Stereo, video and computer equipment
  • Guns and Jewelry
  • CD and DVD
  • Vacuum cleaners
  • Kitchen appliances
  • Bicycles, and handyman tools, and much more…




Dial 9-1-1 for emergencies only
Non-emergencies 281-341-4665
To report information on a current investigation call 281-341-4686.
To report an anonymous tip call 281-341-TIPS (8477).