Gordon-Taylor Cemetery | FB-C142

Photos Taken Date: 2013

Gordon-Taylor Cemetery | FB-C142 Gordon-Taylor Cemetery | FB-C142 Gordon-Taylor Cemetery | FB-C142

Main Name: Gordon-Taylor Cemetery Cemetery | FB-C142

Alternate Names: Taylor, Gordon Cemetery

Access: There is public access to the cemetery.

Location: George Gordon Road, Fulshear

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 42.836 N, 95 55.722 W

Map Coordinates: 29.71393, -95.92870

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American. The size of the cemetery is 0.81 acre. The number of known burials is 3 and the date of the earliest burial is unknown.

History: Work In Progress

Glasscock Cemetery | FB-C091

Main Name: Glasscock Cemetery | FB-C091

Alternate Names: None

Access: Access to the cemetery is not possible.

Location: In the Brazos River

Coordinates: Not Located

Gibbs Cemetery

Photo Taken Date: 2013

Mt. Olive Baptist Church | FB-C094

Main Name: Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery | FB-C094

Alternate Names:

  • Gibbs Cemetery
  • Grover Cemetery

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: Hagerson Rd, Missouri City

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 32.236 N, 95 34.380 W

Map Coordinates: 29.537267, -95.573000

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is affiliated with a religious organization and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American. The size of the cemetery is 1.13 acres. The number of burials is unknown and the date of the earliest burial is 1989.

View Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery | FB-C094 in a larger map

Gibbs Cemetery

Main Name: New Hope Cemetery | FB-C023

Alternate Names:

  • Gibbs Cemetery
  • F.I.S. Cemetery
  • Farmers Improvement Society Cemetery
  • Stafford Colored Cemetery
  • Sand Field Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Fifth Street, Stafford

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 36.012 N, 95 33.244 W

Map Coordinates: 29.600200, -95.554062

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American.  The size of the cemetery is unknown.  The number of known burials is 347 and the date of the earliest burial is 1910.

View New Hope Cemetery - FB-C023 in a larger map



Gethsemane Cemetery

Main Name: West Gethsemane Cemetery | FB-C028

Alternate Names:

  • Gethsemane Cemetery
  • Holy Rosary Catholic Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Hwy 36, Rosenberg

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 32.211 N, 95 48.476 W

Map Coordinates: 29.536850, -95.807933

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is mixed.  The size of the cemetery is 2.64 acres.  The number of known burials is 809 and the date of the earliest burial is 08/31/1906.

View West Gethsemane Cemetery - FB-C028 in a larger map



German Lutheran Cemetery

Main Name: Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery | FB-C063

Alternate Names:

  • German Lutheran Cemetery

Access: There is public access to the cemetery.

Location: Foster School Road, Beasley

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 27.646 N, 95 51.884 W

Map Coordinates: 29.460767, -95.864733

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active. The cemetery is affiliated with a religious organization and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 3.0 acres. The number of known burials is 12 and the date of the earliest burial is 1916.

View Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery - FB-C063Untitled in a larger map

German Evangelical Cemetery

Main Name: Cesinger-Seiler Cemetery | FB-C011

Alternate Names:

  • Cesinger Cemetery
  • Emmanuel Cemetery
  • German Evangelical Cemetery
  • Prairie Mound Cemetery
  • Seiler Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Roesler Road, Fairchilds

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 24.643 N, 95 46.795 W

Map Coordinates: 29.410717, -95.779917

History: Cesinger-Seiler Cemetery | FB-C011 [PDF]

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active and it has a Historical Marker. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 0.96 acres. The number of known burials is 65 and the date of the earliest burial is 10/16/1894.

View Cesinger-Seiler Cemetery - FB-C011 in a larger map



German Baptist Cemetery
Needville Baptist Church Cemetery | FB-C009

Photo Date: 2013

Main Name: Needville Baptist Church Cemetery | FB-C009

Alternate Names:

  • Dipple Cemetery
  • Fink Baptist Cemetery
  • First Baptist Church Cemetery
  • German Baptist Cemetery
  • Maden Cemetery
  • Maiden Cemetery
  • Needville Baptist Cemetery
  • Salem Baptist Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: FM-1236, Needville

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 23.130 N, 95 51.054 W

Map Coordinates: 29.385500, -95.850900

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active. The cemetery is affiliated with a religious organization and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is unknown. The number of known burials is 25 and the date of the earliest burial is 08/12/1899.

View Needville Baptist Church Cemetery - FB-C009 in a larger map



George Ranch Cemetery

Main Name: Jones Memorial Cemetery, Henry & Nancy Stiles | FB-C035

Alternate Names:

  • George Ranch Cemetery
  • Henry Jones Cemetery
  • Jones Cemetery

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: George Road, Crabb

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 29.871 N, 95 40.917 W

Map Coordinates: 29.497850, -95.681950

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is mixed.  The size of the cemetery is 0.20 acre.

View Jones Memorial Cemetery, Henry & Nancy Stiles - FB-C035 in a larger map



Gaston Cemetery | FB-C059

Main Name: Gaston Cemetery | FB-C059

Alternate Names:

  • Old Jones Cemetery

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property.  Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: Briscoe Road, Rosenberg

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 40.817 N, 95 46.482 W

Map Coordinates: 29.680250, -95.791367

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo.  The size of the cemetery is 0.1 acre.  The number of known burials is 12 and the date of the earliest burial is 05/05/1903.

View Gaston Cemetery - FB-C059 in a larger map



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