Garden of Rest Cemetery | FB-C116

Main Name: Garden of Rest Cemetery | FB-C116

Alternate Name: None

Access: There is public access to the cemetery.

Location: Near Hwy 36, Orchard

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 36.978 N, 96 01.068 W

Map Coordinates: 29.616300,-96.017800

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is affiliated with a religious organization. The size of the cemetery is 0.01 acre. The number of known burials is 1.

View Garden of Rest Cemetery | FB-C116 in a larger map

Fulshear White Cemetery | FB-C080

Photo Taken Date: 2012

Fulshear White Cemetery | FB-C080

Main Name: Fulshear White Cemetery | FB-C080

Alternate Names:

  • Fulshear Cemetery
  • Fulshear Public Cemetery
  • Union Chapel Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Wallis Street, Fulshear

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 42.006 N, 95 54.481 W

Map Coordinates: 29.700100, -95.908017

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active and it has a Historical Marker. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 6.176 acre. The number of known burials is 508 and the date of the earliest burial is 07/22/1850.

View Fulshear White Cemetery - FB-C080 in a larger map



Fulshear Spanish Cemetery | FB-C042

Photo Taken Date: September 2012

Fulshear Spanish Cemetery | FB-C042

Main Name: Fulshear Spanish Cemetery | FB-C042

Alternate Names:

  • San Francisco Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Wallis Street, Fulshear

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 41.949 N, 95 54.432 W

Map Coordinates: 29.699150, -95.907200

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active.  The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Hispanic.  The size of the cemetery is 0.81 acres.  The number of known burials is 287 and the date of the earliest burial is 11/12/1910.

View Fulshear Spanish Cemetery FB-C042 in a larger map



Fulshear Public Cemetery

Photo Taken Date: 2012

Fulshear White Cemetery | FB-C080

Main Name: Fulshear White Cemetery | FB-C080

Alternate Names:

  • Fulshear Cemetery
  • Fulshear Public Cemetery
  • Union Chapel Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Wallis Street, Fulshear

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 42.006 N, 95 54.481 W

Map Coordinates: 29.700100, -95.908017

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active and it has a Historical Marker. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 6.176 acre. The number of known burials is 508 and the date of the earliest burial is 07/22/1850.

View Fulshear White Cemetery - FB-C080 in a larger map



Fulshear Family Cemetery | FB-C079

Photo Taken Date: 2011

Fulshear Family Cemetery | FB-C079

Main Name: Fulshear Family Cemetery | FB-C079

Alternate Names:

  • Fulshear Cemetery

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: FM-1093, Fulshear

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 41.534 N, 95 53.795 W

Map Coordinates: 29.692233, -95.896583

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 0.01 acre. The number of known burials is 10 and the date of the earliest burial is 10/07/1859.

View Fulshear Family Cemetery - FB-C079 in a larger map

Fulshear Cemetery | Alternate FB-C080

Photo Taken Date: 2012

Fulshear White Cemetery | FB-C080

Main Name: Fulshear White Cemetery | FB-C080

Alternate Names:

  • Fulshear Cemetery
  • Fulshear Public Cemetery
  • Union Chapel Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: Wallis Street, Fulshear

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 42.006 N, 95 54.481 W

Map Coordinates: 29.700100, -95.908017

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active and it has a Historical Marker. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 6.176 acre. The number of known burials is 508 and the date of the earliest burial is 07/22/1850. 

View Fulshear White Cemetery - FB-C080 in a larger map



Fulshear Cemetery | Alternate FB-C079

Photo Taken Date: 2011

Fulshear Family Cemetery | FB-C079

Main Name: Fulshear Family Cemetery | FB-C079

Alternate Names:

  • Fulshear Cemetery

Access: Cemetery access is via PRIVATE property. Permission from the land owner MUST be obtained prior to visiting the cemetery.

Location: FM-1093, Fulshear

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 41.534 N, 95 53.795 W

Map Coordinates: 29.692233, -95.896583

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Anglo. The size of the cemetery is 0.01 acre. The number of known burials is 10 and the date of the earliest burial is 10/07/1859.

View Fulshear Family Cemetery - FB-C079 in a larger map

Fulshear Cemetery | Alternate FB-C041
Tombstone of: Reverend J S Adams Fulshear Black Cemetery | FB-C041
Photos Taken Date: 2010  

Main Name: Fulshear Black Cemetery | FB-C041

Alternate Name: Fulshear Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: FM-1093, Fulshear

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 41.298 N, 95 54.271 W

Map Coordinates: 29.688300, -95.904517

History: Fulshear Black Cemetery | FB-C041 [PDF]

Site Plan:

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active and it has a Historical Marker. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American. The size of the cemetery is 3.08 acres. The number of known burials is 87 and the date of the earliest burial is 08/20/1932.

View Fulshear Black Cemetery - FB-C041 in a larger map



Fulshear Black Cemetery | FB-C041
Tombstone of: Reverend J S Adams Fulshear Black Cemetery | FB-C041
Photos Taken Date: 2010  

Main Name: Fulshear Black Cemetery | FB-C041

Alternate Name: Fulshear Cemetery

Access: Public

Location: FM-1093, Fulshear

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 41.298 N, 95 54.271 W

Map Coordinates: 29.688300, -95.904517

History: Fulshear Black Cemetery | FB-C041 [PDF]

Site Plan:

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is active and it has a Historical Marker. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Afro-American. The size of the cemetery is 3.08 acres. The number of known burials is 87 and the date of the earliest burial is 08/20/1932.

View Fulshear Black Cemetery - FB-C041 in a larger map



Frost Plantation Cemetery | FB-C156

Main Name: Frost Plantation Cemetery | FB-C156

Alternate Names: None

Access: There is public access to the cemetery.

Location: Oyster Creek Trail, Missouri City, TX 77459, USA

NAD83 Coordinates: 29 34.905 N, 95 34.379 W

Map Coordinates: 29.58175, -95.57299

Status and Other Information: The cemetery status is inactive. The cemetery is not affiliated with any organizations and the ethnicity is primarily Unknown. The size of the cemetery is unknown. The number of known burials is 5 the date of the earliest burial is May 1934.

View Frost Plantation Cemetery | FB-C156 in a larger map



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