1. Prior to conducting any production activity on County property, this Application must be completed and submitted to Fort Bend County Judge’s Office at least fifteen (15) business days prior to filming.

All reservations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. An FBC Film Application must be completed for each desired location.

Any questions or concerns may be addressed to:

Tami Frazier, Communication and Public Information Manager, County Judge’s Office at 281-344-3994,

  1. County will determine feasibility of the request based on location availability, description of production activity, and the location capabilities. Following that determination, applicants will receive notification that their application has been received and a location date and time have been approved. Once approved, individuals must ensure that the following items are returned to the County Judge’s Office at least three (3) days prior to filming.
  • A Certificate of Liability Insurance that names Fort Bend County as an additionally insured and shows the amounts and types of coverage as listed below or which alternatively are approved by the County’s Risk Management Director for the desired location:

Each Certificate of liability insurance furnished by a Production Company shall reflect the coverage amounts required by the desired location, but such coverage amounts shall in no event, be lower than the following: $1 million in Commercial General Liability, including bodily injury and property damage with $5,000,000 of umbrella coverage; $1 million Automobile Liability including bodily injury and property damage, plus Workers' Compensation coverage in accordance with statutory limits and employers' liability with limits of $100,000 bodily injury for each accident, $100,000 bodily injury by disease and $500,000 policy limit covering all personnel who provide services.

In the event that the Production Company is self-insured for Workers' Compensation coverage, it can provide written documentation of this fact on its letterhead, signed by an officer. Each policy must include a waiver of subrogation, unless waived in writing by County.

  • A signed Release and Indemnification Waiver for Filming on County Property
  • Check or Money Order for Usage Fee
  • Check or Money Order for Damage Deposit
  1. Fort Bend County reserves the right to waive any fees in circumstances including but not limited to the following: 1) filming by Fort Bend County to promote Fort Bend County, 2) filming solicited by the FBC Historical Commission, 3) any other filming project the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court deems to serve a public purpose or benefit to the residents of the County.
  2. Fort Bend County reserves the right to modify the quoted fees for use of locations that impose greater logistical coordination requirements (including filming outside of normal business hours) on our staff. Modification may require written approval of the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court.
  3. Fort Bend County, as a public entity, must comply with the Texas Public Information Act. In the event that a public information request related to your application is submitted to the County, County will make any information related to the application, or otherwise, available to third parties in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act.Any proprietary or confidential information marked as such provided to County by Producer shall not be disclosed to any third party, except as directed by the Texas Attorney General in response to a request for such under the Texas Public Information Act, which provides for notice to the owner of such marked information and the opportunity for the owner of such information to notify the Attorney General of the reasons why such information should not be disclosed.The terms and conditions of the Agreement are not proprietary or confidential information.
  4. Producer may not assign any rights created by the permission of use of Property.
  5. News Media. The provisions of the FBC Film Policy including fees, reservations and insurance provisions shall not apply to or affect reporters, photographers or camerapersons in the employ of a newspaper, news service, or similar entity engaged in on-the-spot print media, publishing or broadcasting, of news events concerning those persons, scenes or occurrences which are in the news and of general public interest. Members of the news media will continue to be required to comply with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, and the orders and decrees of any courts or administrative bodies or tribunals.
  6. Personal/Family Video. The provisions of the FBC Film Policy shall not apply to the recording of visual images (motion or still photography) solely for private, personal, use, and not for commercial use.
  7. Short Duration.A completed film application is not required for the recording of visual images done solely with handheld devices where:
  1. the period of recording shall not last longer than one (1) hour, and
  2. the location is one normally accessible by the public, and
  3. no restrictions are placed on other individuals wishing to use the property.

Fort Bend County values diversity. Equal access shall be given to all groups and individuals, and no group or individual shall be denied access on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political persuasion, or because of the political, religious, or social views held by an individual or group, or by any group's members. Permission to use County facilities shall not, in any way, constitute County endorsement of the group or individual, or their policies and activities.

It is strictly forbidden for Producer or Producer’s film to suggest any affiliation or endorsement of Fort Bend County in any manner which suggests sponsorship or association with Fort Bend County without written approval of the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court.

The laws of the State of Texas govern all disputes arising out of or relating to the use described in this Application. The parties hereto acknowledge that venue is proper in Fort Bend County, Texas, for all legal actions or proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement and waive the right to sue or be sued elsewhere.  Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to waive the County’s sovereign immunity.

1. Completion of this form does not serve as proof of reservation *
2. Production Type (please check one) *
Production Type (please check one)
3. Contact Information *
4. Applicant/Location Contact: *
  1. Producer agrees to pay the County a non-refundable Usage Fee as provided by the current fee schedule adopted by the Commissioners Court.
  2. All payments must be made by check or money order and should be made payable to Fort Bend County. Cash and credit cards are not accepted at this time. Check amount may not be combined with any other fees due.
  3. Producer agrees to pay a returned check fee in an amount approved in the current fee schedule adopted by Commissioners Court for any returned or invalid checks.
  1. Producer agrees to pay the County a refundable Damage Deposit in the amount approved in the current fee schedule adopted by Commissioners Court.
  2. Producer shall be responsible for payment of any and all reasonable repairs where damages exceed the amount of the Damage Deposit. Payment shall be made to County within ten (10) business days of receipt of invoice.
  3. Damage Deposit may be forfeited if the facility is damaged, additional cleaning is needed, or Filming goes over the scheduled time.  Any remaining funds will be refunded to Producer.
  4. Damage Deposit must be paid with separate check or money order.
6. Applicant's Certification *
New Multiple Choice Question
7. Signature
8. Please make sure all forms are completed and submit to:

Fort Bend County Judge’s Office

Attn:  Tami Frazier, Communication and Public Information Manager, at

To receive a copy of your submission, please fill out your email address below and submit.
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