County Offices Closed Monday January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. District Courts and Jury service will close on Tuesday, January 21st. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activates Sunday at 8:00 AM for hazardous weather. Stay updated on road conditions and resources, and be careful during icy weather.
HOME-American Rescue Plan (ARP) Allocation Plan
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed ARP into law, which provides over $1.9 trillion in relief to address the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy, public health, State and local governments, individuals, and businesses. To address the need for homelessness assistance and supportive services, The program described in this notice for the use of the $5 billion in ARP funds is the HOME-American Rescue Plan or “HOME-ARP.” The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated $3,322,057.00 to Fort Bend County in HOME-ARP program funds to provide housing, services, and shelter to specific qualifying populations (QPs). These four QPs are:
- Homeless as defined in 24 CFR 91.5;
- At risk of Homelessness as defined in 24 CFR 91.5;
- Fleeing or Attempting to Flee Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, or Human Trafficking(referred herein as domestic violence/sexual assault/trafficking); and,
- Other populations who do not qualify under any of the populations above but meet one of the following criteria:
- Other Families Requiring Services or Housing Assistance to Prevent Homelessness
- Those At Greatest Risk of Housing Instability
The HOME-ARP statue reflects Congress’s intent that HOME-ARP activities benefit all four QPs to address housing instability and homelessness. In accordance with the HOME-ARP statute, the County must design and administer the HOME-ARP program to provide all four QPs with access to HOME-ARP projects or activities. The eligible HOME-ARP activities are:
- Supportive Services
- Acquisition and Development of Non-Congregate Shelters’
- Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
- Development of Affordable Rental Housing (Permanent Supportive Housing PSH)
- Non-Profit Operating
- Non-Profit Capacity Building
- Administration and Planning
The County must indicate the amount of HOME-ARP funding that is planned for each eligible HOME-ARP activity type in the allocation plan submitted to HUD. The allocation plan must be submitted to HUD by March 31, 2023.
HOME ARP Allocation Plan Public Notice [PDF]
HOME ARP Allocation Plan Public Notice Spanish [PDF]
HOME ARP Summary [PDF]
HOME ARP Fact Sheets [PDF]
HOME-American-Rescue-Plan-(ARP)-Allocation-Plan-Public-Meeting-Notice [PDF]