County Offices Closed Tuesday, January 21st, 2025: Fort Bend County Offices will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Fort Bend County Courts will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. Jury Duty has been canceled for Tuesday. For more information visit the Homeland Security & Emergency Management website. Stay updated on road conditions and resources, and be careful during icy weather.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Fort Bend County election worker. The work our volunteers do guarantees that our elections run honestly and efficiently.
Currently we are fully staffed and not accepting any more applications. (Firm)
Download / Print
- Poll Worker Application [PDF]
What is an Election Worker?
An Election Worker works at the polls on Election Day to ensure voters are able to exercise their rights in an honest and well-organized manner.
When are election days and what are the hours worked?
- General elections are held each year on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
- Primary elections, if held, are always scheduled for the first Tuesday in March in even numbered years.
- Uniform elections are held on the second Saturday in May.
- Early Voting begins up to 17 days prior to any election and continues through the 4th day prior to that election.
Election Workers should arrive at the polling place at 6:00 AM on election days and must remain until the polls are closed and results are called in or transported to Election Central. Polling places for election day are always open 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Early voting hours vary from election to election.
What type of people work as Election Workers?
All types!
We have senior citizens and baby-boomers; professionals, self-employed individuals and retirees. This creates a highly diverse workforce, just like Fort Bend County. We are also looking for workers who, in addition to being fluent in English, can speak other languages, especially Spanish. If you are fluent in another language, please indicate this on the Poll Worker Application form.
Are Election Workers paid?
Election workers are paid for the days they work during the election process. Training is paid provided the poll workers work at least a day of election.
How do I apply?
- Complete the Poll Worker Application form and e-mail it to or,
- Print the completed form and mail to:
- Elections Department/Poll Workers
301 Jackson Street
Richmond, Texas 77469 or
- Elections Department/Poll Workers
- Fax completed form to 281-341-4418.
How do the hours get reported for the pay?
Participants will sign in at the front desk with their last four digits of your Social Security. The Election Office will calculate pay and add time to the Election Day payroll.
How much do I get paid?
- For a primary election, the pay is determined by the Secretary of State for the State of Texas.
- For all other elections, Judges and Alternate Judges will receive $20.00 per hour and clerks will receive $17.00 per hour.
- Your pay will be based on the amount of time spent in the class.
Do I get paid for attending this class?
How long does the Election Law Class last?
Depending on the type of election, it could last 2 to 2 ½ hours.
When is the election law class?
Two days prior to an election.
Do I have to attend this class?
The election judges and alternate judges must attend this class. If the election is a primary election, all poll workers, election judges, alternate judges, and clerks must attend.
What does this class cover?
- Type of election
- Review of instructions to complete forms correctly
- Incidents that occurred during early voting and past elections
- Changes in procedures to this election
- Election Law(s)
When will I get my check?
You should get your check in 4 to 6 weeks after the election. It could be longer due to missing poll worker information. Judges are responsible for having the following information for all poll workers:
- Social Security Number
- Signature of poll workers on the Statement of Compensation Form
- Completed W-4 form (if they have never worked for Fort Bend County)
- Completed HR Form
What are election supplies?
- Kiosk
- DS200
- Express Touch
- Express Vote Carts
- Orange Bag (signs)
- Blue bag (cell phone, charger, and passwords)
Where do I pick up the required keys?
Keys are distributed at the Election Law classes held at the Rosenberg Annex. You may sign in 1/2 hour before the scheduled start of your class.
Who picks up the election supplies?
All supplies are now delivered to each polling place in a steel security cabinet. The election judge will pick up the bag containing a cell phone and keys to the cabinet at the Election Law class. If he/she is unavailable to pick up the keys, the election judge must inform the Elections Department by email or phone 48 hours prior to equipment pickup. The email address to send your response is Or the phone number to call is 281-341-8670.
What is the requirement to get paid for taking the class?
You will get paid for the class if you work the election. If you do not work the election, you will not get paid. The definition of “working an election” is working a minimum of 4 hours in the upcoming election.