Mosquito Control


Fight the Bite

Fort Bend County Health and Human Services’ Environmental Health Announces Aerial Mosquito Spraying

“Completed”. End result “Spraying Completed on August 2-3,2024.

Click for More Information

Fort Bend County Environmental Health (FBC EH) uses an Integrated Vector Management (IVM) Program to protect the health of county residents from vector-borne diseases through surveillance, control, prevention, and community outreach. Fort Bend County does not spray on request or on a set schedule but uses set guidelines to determine where treatment is necessary. The success of mosquito control requires participation from both Fort Bend County and its residents!

 FBCHHS IVM Program protects Fort Bend County by:

  • Applying adulticide (spraying) and larvicide based on disease related activities and surveillance data that would warrant needed applications. Fort Bend County does not perform spraying on request or on a set schedule.
  • Conducting surveillance both proactively and in response to complaints.
  • Monitoring mosquito populations via vector surveillance techniques including trapping and larval counts.
  • Identifying arthropod-borne (Arbo) viruses (viruses transmitted by mosquitoes and other insects) through samples collected and analyzed both at the Texas Department of State Health Services laboratory and internal in our lab.  
  • Educating citizens, community groups, and the media on mosquito control and prevention measures.
  • Investigating reported cases of arboviral infections in humans and animals received by FBC Epidemiology.

Mosquito Surveillance

FBC EH currently traps and tests mosquitoes for West Nile Virus, and sends additional mosquitoes to the Texas Department of State Health Services Arbovirus Laboratory for additional testing. The county uses three trap types that are placed at over 30 locations across the county.

Mosquito Surveillance
BG sentinel traps use an attractant to attract more female mosquitoes.
Mosquito Surveillance
A CO2-baited CDC light trap captures mosquitoes searching for a bloodmeal.
Mosquito Surveillance
Gravid traps attract adult female mosquitoes looking to lay eggs.

The County places larvicide in various areas of standing water to help reduce mosquitoes before they become adults. You can help in this quest by dumping any standing water, cleaning out gutters, and reducing areas where mosquitoes may grow!

The county uses products with the active ingredients Methoprene, Spinosad or Bti.

Adulticide Applications

The county sprays for mosquitoes when we detect positive mosquito pools. A pool is a group of mosquitoes tested for a mosquito-borne virus. The county does not spray on request. All treatments performed by the county are based on the data from our surveillance efforts and disease related activities. Our surveillance is conducted weekly across the entire county and the mosquitoes collected from these efforts are counted, identified, and tested. The County currently uses EPA-approved mosquito control products MosquitoMist 1.5 ULV and Perm-X UL 4-4.

For More information on truck-based spraying visit

Mosquito Prevention Tips

In Texas, mosquito bites pose a significant risk beyond mere hindrance. They are potential carriers of diseases that threaten you and your family's health. Mosquitoes contract these diseases by feeding on infected animals, birds, or humans. Once infected, mosquitoes can pass on the infection to individuals through their bites, prolonging the spread of infection in our community.

The best way to fight the bite, FBC EH recommends the 4-Ds of mosquito safety:

  • Dusk and Dawn is the period of heightened mosquito activity. Take the proper precautions of the other D’s when out and about,
  • Drain flower pots, pet dishes, blocked gutters, or any containers that may hold standing water to prevent mosquito breeding grounds and treat any water that cannot be drained,
  • Dress in long sleeves and pants when outdoors and,
  • Defend by using an EPA-approved insect repellent.

4-D's poster [PDF]

For larger bodies of water, FBC EH recommends:

  • Change water in wading pools and birdbaths several times a week.
  • Use mosquito dunks or other approved larvicide for water that cannot be emptied or covered.
  • Keep backyard pools and hot tubs properly chlorinated and free of debris.
  • Screen rain barrels and openings to water tanks or cisterns.

Where mosquitoes grow around your home [PDF]

How to Choose the Right Insect Repellent

Use the EPA's Right Insect Repellent search tool to help you choose the repellent product that is right for you. You can specify:

  • mosquitoes, ticks, or both;
  • protection time;
  • active ingredient; or
  • other product-specific information

Beekeeper Information

By using an integrated vector management strategy, we aim to protect your hives and other pollinators through the following strategies:

  • Applying products through an Ultra Low Volume system that reduces the impact on bees
  • Apply adulticide products at night, when pollinators are less active
  • Using products that are specifically labelled and tested for control of mosquitoes

Steps you can take to reduce exposure to your hives:

  • Cover hives at night when bees are less active
  • Keep hives away from the street—at least 300 feet if possible
  • Create a barrier between the street and your hives

If you would like to request your house, or areas you keep hives to not be sprayed, email with your address/the address you do not wish to be treated, with the subject line: Do Not Spray – Bees.

If you do not wish to have your property treated for another reason, email with your address/the address you do not wish to be treated, with the subject line: Do Not Spray – Other.

For more information on Mosquito Control and pollinator protections, visit

Additional Information

Residents are encouraged to use the provided resources to learn more and take preventative measures to protect themselves and loved ones.

West Nile Virus Information from the CDC

Zika Virus Information from the CDC

How to Fight the Bite

Frequently Asked Questions

Do we have West Nile Virus in Fort Bend County?

Yes, WNV has been found in Fort Bend County since 2001 and is primarily transmitted through the bite of the southern house mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus.

What is the risk of someone becoming infected with West Nile?

WNV poses a low risk. Even in regions where the virus is present, only approximately 1% of mosquitoes carry it. Around 80% of WNV cases are asymptomatic, meaning a person never gets sick. About 20% of those infected may develop West Nile fever, characterized by flu-like symptoms. Less than 1% of individuals bitten and infected will develop West Nile neuroinvasive disease, though those who are immunocompromised or over 50 years old are at higher risk for this severe form.

Can dogs, cats, and other pets get the West Nile virus?

Yes, pets can get WNV. Horses are very susceptible but can be vaccinated. Cats and dogs rarely, if ever, get sick. Most infections have been identified in birds. Birds can become very ill from the virus, so it is recommended that pet birds be kept indoors, especially during dawn and dusk.

How long does it take to get sick if bitten by an infected mosquito?

The typical incubation period ranges from 2 to 6 days but can extend to 14 days. Individuals with specific medical conditions affecting the immune system may experience a prolonged incubation period.

What can I do about biting gnats?

Biting gnats are a nuisance insect that, primarily, is active during the day and is not a disease carrier. Therefore, adulticide spraying is not performed. Residents are advised to practice the Four Ds to aid in preventing exposure: Dusk & Dawn, Drain, Dress, and Defend.

Report Mosquito Activity

Mosquito Request