Emergency Operation Center Plans

Fort Bend County Emergency Operations Plan Basic Plan

This Basic Plan outlines Fort Bend County’s approach to emergency operations and applies to Fort Bend County and the Joint Resolution Jurisdictions. It provides general guidance for emergency management activities and an overview of Fort Bend County’s methods for the five mission areas: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery. The plan describes the emergency response organization and assigns responsibilities for various emergency tasks. This plan is intended to provide a framework for more specific functional annexes and transitioning Emergency Support Functions (ESF) that describe who does what, when, and how in more detail. This plan applies to all local officials, departments, and agencies. The primary audience for this document includes chief elected officials and other elected officials, emergency management staff, department heads and agency directors and their senior staff members, leaders of local volunteer organizations that support emergency operations, and others who may participate in Fort Bend County’s five mission areas Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery.

Annex A – Warning County Sheriff/Police Chief/ Homeland Security and Emergency Management /County Human Resources
Annex B – Communications County Sheriff/Police Chief/Fire Marshal
Annex C – Shelter & Mass Care County/City Parks Director/American Red Cross/Health and Human Services/Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Annex D – Radiological Protection County Fire Marshal/Fire Chief
Annex E – Evacuation County Sheriff/Police Chief/Constable/ Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Annex F – Firefighting County Fire Marshal/Fire Chief
Annex G – Law Enforcement County Sheriff/Police Chief/Constable
Annex H – Health and Medical Services County Director Health & Human Services/Health Officer
Annex I – Emergency Public Information County Judge Appointed Homeland Security and Emergency Management PIO/Mayor or City PIO/City Secretary
Annex J – Recovery Homeland Security and Emergency Management/County Tax Assessor/County Road Commissioner/ County Auditor/Health and Human Services
Annex K – Public Works & Engineering County Road Commissioner/County Engineer/ Public Works Director
Annex L – Utilities County Road Commissioner/ Public Works Director
Annex M – Resource Management Homeland Security and Emergency Management/Fire Marshal/Sheriff Office/Constable/Road and Bridge/Drainage/EMS/Health and Human Services/County Purchasing Agent/Human Resources Director
Annex N – Direction & Control County Judge/Mayor/EMC
Annex O – Human Services County Director Health & Human Services/ City Health Officer
Annex P – Hazard Mitigation Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Annex Q – Hazardous Materials & Oil Spill Response Fire Marshal/Fire Chief/HAZMAT/Fort Bend County LEPC
Annex R – Search & Rescue County Fire Marshal/Fire Chief /Sheriff Office/Constable
Annex S – Transportation County/City Transportation Department
Annex T – Donations Management County Purchasing Agent/County Auditor/ Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Annex U – Legal County/District/City Attorney
Annex V – Terrorist Incident Response County Sheriff/Police Chief/Constable/Fire Marshal/EMS

Fort Bend County EOC Training, Certification, Credentialing Program

In 2020 FEMA guidance was published for NIMS Training. Fort Bend County has taken new leadership and will follow the guidance from the National Framework and implement its training program to include certifications and credentialing for the Emergency Operation Center.
