Property Tax | Important Notices


2024 Property Tax Statements are Now Available Online

The 2024 property tax statements are now accessible online. Visit the Fort Bend County property tax payment website Fort Bend County to view, print, and make a payment.


Now Collecting for the Following Entities

Residents of the Village of Pleak, Fort Bend County LID #2, Fort Bend ESD #10, & The Park at Eldridge PID can now pay their property taxes at any of our Fort Bend County Tax Office locations.

We are also now collecting delinquent taxes for Sienna MUD 2. This MUD has been annexed by the City of Missouri City and no longer has current year taxes.



The Tax Office is now offering appointments for the general public, click on the above icon to schedule your appointment.



To Make an Escrow payment, click here.  Escrow payments will only be accepted on accounts with zero balance due for previous years.  To Pay: First search for your account number, click on the selected account and "Add to Shopping Cart" by clicking on the Blue Box on the top left of the screen; from there follow the prompts.


POST-DATED CHECKS: The Tax Office deposits all checks upon receipt, regardless of the date written on the check.


CONTACT THE TAX OFFICE VIA PHONE OR EMAIL: Please feel free to call us at 281-341-3710 or email us at with any auto or property tax questions.



ONLINE PAYMENT UPDATE:  Some customers have experienced their browsers stall when being redirected from the selection of their property accounts to the payment website. In this instance, it may be necessary to clear the internet browser’s cache before attempting payment again. The process for clearing cache is browser specific, so customers are encouraged to obtain cache clearing instructions for their particular internet browser.

Credit CardPay property taxes online by credit card or e-check

Online Property Tax Payment Fees

Credit/Debit (no PIN): 2.29% of total, minimum fee of $2.75

          Non-consumer (commercial, corporate, and business) cards: 3.95% Service Fee

          Non-domestic (international) cards: 3.95% Service Fee

E-Checks: No Convenience Fee

Inquire/search property tax information

Register to Receive Certified Tax Statements by email

Property Tax Payments can be made at all locations by cash, check and most major credit cards.

In Person (at the counter) Property Tax Payment Fees

Credit Transactions: 2.29% of total, minimum fee of $2.75

Non-consumer (commercial, corporate, and business) cards: 3.95% Service Fee

Non-domestic (international) cards: 3.95% Service Fee

PIN Debit Transactions: $2.75 flat fee 

PLEASE NOTE: Convenience fees are added by PaymentExpress, a third party service provider for government payments.

Forms Related Agencies Additional Information


Delinquent Attorneys

Mailing / Contact Information

General Correspondence
1317 Eugene Heimann Circle
Richmond, TX 77469-3623

Submit Tax Payments
P.O. Box 4277
Houston, TX 77210-4277

E-mail questions or suggestions to: